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Bloody Obama

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Bloody Obama Empty Bloody Obama

Post  Les Paul Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:45 am

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Bloody Obama Empty Re: Bloody Obama

Post  bowen199 Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:27 pm

Propaganda is propaganda

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Bloody Obama Empty Re: Bloody Obama

Post  ElMuertoMonkey Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:39 am

The Bush Dyslexicon ? No


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Bloody Obama Empty Re: Bloody Obama

Post  ElMuertoMonkey Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:09 pm

President Barack Obama is clearly leading this country the USA to that bright and
shining city on the hill. A future where ALL men will be treated equal, not just the white man.

All Americans WILL have a choice in whether or not to accept President
Obama's Socialist Utopia. Choose Socialism and live a long and happy life.
Do not concern yourself with those that reject Socialism. They will not
stand in your way as President Obama leads you to that bright and shining
city on the hill.

Clearly the President has a long way to go and needs your help.
Now is the time to get with the program. Get onboard and show
your support for our Great President's Plan for a Socialist
America by the year 2012.

Socialism is the way of the future. Be part of it!
Be proud to be a Socialist American!
Stand tall and support your President!

Socialism will work in America and America will be better for it!

Yes, the sooner everyone submits to the State the sooner we can get around to building a better America. Rid them of their guns and bibles and this antiquated selfish belief in 'Liberty' and we'll all be much better off. We will make this country strong again we're just not going to build it on the ideology of some old rich, white, slave owners.
As an enthusiastic admirer of the late great Karl Marx, I can tell you with certainty that whatever founding fathers said is capitalist propaganda. And yes, capitalism and racism do go hand in hand.
Let us talk serious now about our Great President Barack Obama.

He recently said these great words: "I'm asking you to believe.
Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington...
I'm asking you to believe in yours." -Barack Obama

My president believes in me and my ability to bring about needed change
in this country. And I believe in him and his ablilty to do the same. Socialism is coming to America. That's change we can believe in.

The truth is, we've been Socialist for quite some time. More proof
that the average American wouldn't know socialism if someone rubbed
his nose in it.

The average American has no idea how much better off he will be once
America goes completely Socialist.The natural progression for any mature developed nation is Socialism.
I believe that Obama will make great irreversible progress to bring america into this world community form of government.

I also however believe that certain unsavory elements of american society are going to fight him every step of the way in on this progress and they are eventually going to have to be harshly dealt with or they will jeopardize destabilising the entire plan to bring america into the world community.
Excess wealth needs to be put to work for the people. Obama will make sure everyone gets their fair share. The majority of Americans agree with this plan, otherwise Obama would not have won. The World Community is rapidly moving toward socialism. We are holding
the world back. It's time we joined the party.

Chavez is what South America has sorely missed since the death of Che. The people need a voice, and Chavez is that voice. President Chavez knows the playing field has to be level, and everyone needs to be treated equally. The sooner people stop being individuals and start working for the collective the better off we all will be. I'm encouraged by Comrade Chavez's efforts to install himself as leader for life in Venezuela. He is providing a vision we need here in this country to repeal the 22nd amendment so that Obama can serve more than two terms. We need charismatic leaders in these troubled times. Two terms is just not enough. FDR had four terms, and Obama could need more in this time of Economic peril. I always had great admiration for Dr.Chavez , comrade Kim Jong Il, men who knows how to run the levers of power and stay in office. They are truly great men! Dear Leader Kim Jong Il is a great man of faith and courage. Kim is a genuine leader of the people as President Obama. He is loyal and dutiful and versed in civil and military affairs. He has all the best qualities to be required of the people’s leader. He is, before all else, unfailingly loyal and devoted to the country and the people.
Even when the U.S. tried to destroy the socialist gains that North Korea has made. The world knows that the strong Korean People’s Army, trained by Marshall Kim Jong Il, will always emerge victorious.
North Korea's Dear Leader is an inspiration to us all. How fortunate for him that he can motivate his people to accomplish such great things! I am confident that Obama and he shall become close friends and allies. There is much we can learn from such a wise leader and established culture.
The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il has always lived a modest life. It has been said that comrade Kim Jong Il is the korean Harry S. Truman .


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Bloody Obama Empty Re: Bloody Obama

Post  Bob the terrorist Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:46 pm

Obama sucks.
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Bloody Obama Empty Re: Bloody Obama

Post  Max Wellbrock-Talley Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:56 pm

I find that Obama serves the Liberal purpose quite well. So far, he has simply maintained Capitalism in all of its foul glory, by restricting it in certain areas and by expanding it in others. I believe that too many people fail to recognize that Obama merely attempts to satisfy the idea of a Welfare State in America, and not a Socialist State. If the latter were true, would he and the Democratic Party have upset the majority of Americans in order to pass a bill that expands health care to millions, but ultimately boosts aspects of the insurance private sector, as well as foots the bill on the majority working class rather than on the upper-class to lessen the wealth gap? No. Socialist politics won't legitimately emerge in America until my generation reaches its forties, or the generation after reaches its forties (if we're [Americans] not all in an Ultra-Nationalist pickle by then).
Max Wellbrock-Talley
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